Source code for tsprocess.ts_plot_utils

The core module for timeseries plot helper functions.
import math
import numpy as np
import as ccrs
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties

from .log import LOGGER
from .ts_utils import check_opt_param_minmax, query_opt_params, list2message

color_code  = ['k', 'r', 'b', 'm', 'g', 'c', 'y', 'brown',
                   'gold', 'blueviolet', 'grey', 'pink']

[docs]def plot_displacement_helper(record, color_code, opt_params, list_inc, list_process, list_filters): """ Plots displacement timeseries and corresponding frequency spectra amplitude for 3 components. It is an internal function for plot_displacement_records methods in the Project class. should not be directly used by the end users. """ if all(value is None for value in record): LOGGER.debug('record does not have any data.') return None with_details = False if query_opt_params(opt_params, 'save_figure'): nrs = 7 fig, axarr = plt.subplots(nrows=nrs, ncols=3, figsize=(14, 9)) counter = 2 rspan = 2 with_details = True else: nrs = 3 fig, axarr = plt.subplots(nrows=nrs, ncols=3, figsize=(14, 9)) counter = 1 rspan = 1 # h1, h2, UD for i in range(3): axarr[i][0] = plt.subplot2grid((nrs,3),(i*counter,0), rowspan=rspan, colspan=2) axarr[i][1] = plt.subplot2grid((nrs,3),(i*counter,2), rowspan=rspan, colspan=1) axarr[i][0].grid(True) if with_details: axarr[3][0] = plt.subplot2grid((7,3),(6,0),rowspan=1, colspan=3) x_lim_f = check_opt_param_minmax(opt_params, 'zoom_in_freq') x_lim_t = check_opt_param_minmax(opt_params, 'zoom_in_time') station_name = None epicentral_dist = None for i,item in enumerate(record): if not item: continue axarr[0][0].plot(item.time_vec,item.disp_h1.value, color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) axarr[0][1].plot(item.freq_vec,abs(item.disp_h1.fft_value), color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) axarr[1][0].plot(item.time_vec,item.disp_h2.value, color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) axarr[1][1].plot(item.freq_vec,abs(item.disp_h2.fft_value), color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) axarr[2][0].plot(item.time_vec,item.disp_ver.value, color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) axarr[2][1].plot(item.freq_vec,abs(item.disp_ver.fft_value), color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) # station name if not station_name: station_name = item.station.inc_st_name[list_inc[i]] temp_record = item # epicentral distance if not epicentral_dist: epicentral_dist = f"{item.epicentral_distance: 0.2f}" axarr[0][0].set_ylabel('h1') axarr[1][0].set_ylabel('h2') axarr[2][0].set_ylabel('ver') axarr[2][0].set_xlabel('Time (s)') axarr[2][1].set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') f_name_save = "f_disp_plot_" +\"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%f" + ".pdf") details = [f_name_save, list_inc, list_process, list_filters, temp_record.station.inc_st_name] message = list2message(details) if with_details: footnote_font = FontProperties() footnote_font.set_size(6) max_height = 100 axarr[3][0].text(1,0.8 * max_height,message, va = 'top', fontproperties = footnote_font, wrap=True) axarr[3][0].set_xlim([0,50]) axarr[3][0].set_ylim([0,max_height]) axarr[3][0].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) axarr[3][0].get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) for i in range(3): axarr[i][0].set_xlim(x_lim_t) axarr[i][1].set_xlim(x_lim_f) axarr[0][0].legend() axarr[0][0].set_title( f'Station at incident {list_inc[0]}:' f'{station_name} - epicenteral dist:' f'{epicentral_dist} km' ) fig.tight_layout() return fig, message, f_name_save
[docs]def plot_velocity_helper(record, color_code, opt_params, list_inc, list_process, list_filters): """ Plots velocity timeseries and corresponding frequency spectra amplitude for 3 components. It is an internal function for plot_velocity_records methods in the Project class. should not be directly used by the end users. """ if all(value is None for value in record): LOGGER.debug('record does not have any data.') return None with_details = False if query_opt_params(opt_params, 'save_figure'): nrs = 7 fig, axarr = plt.subplots(nrows=nrs, ncols=3, figsize=(14, 9)) counter = 2 rspan = 2 with_details = True else: nrs = 3 fig, axarr = plt.subplots(nrows=nrs, ncols=3, figsize=(14, 9)) counter = 1 rspan = 1 # h1, h2, UD for i in range(3): axarr[i][0] = plt.subplot2grid((nrs,3),(i*counter,0), rowspan=rspan, colspan=2) axarr[i][1] = plt.subplot2grid((nrs,3),(i*counter,2), rowspan=rspan, colspan=1) axarr[i][0].grid(True) if with_details: axarr[3][0] = plt.subplot2grid((7,3),(6,0),rowspan=1, colspan=3) x_lim_f = check_opt_param_minmax(opt_params, 'zoom_in_freq') x_lim_t = check_opt_param_minmax(opt_params, 'zoom_in_time') station_name = None epicentral_dist = None for i,item in enumerate(record): if not item: continue axarr[0][0].plot(item.time_vec,item.vel_h1.value, color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) axarr[0][1].plot(item.freq_vec,abs(item.vel_h1.fft_value), color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) axarr[1][0].plot(item.time_vec,item.vel_h2.value, color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) axarr[1][1].plot(item.freq_vec,abs(item.vel_h2.fft_value), color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) axarr[2][0].plot(item.time_vec,item.vel_ver.value, color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) axarr[2][1].plot(item.freq_vec,abs(item.vel_ver.fft_value), color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) # station name if not station_name: station_name = item.station.inc_st_name[list_inc[i]] temp_record = item # epicentral distance if not epicentral_dist: epicentral_dist = f"{item.epicentral_distance: 0.2f}" axarr[0][0].set_ylabel('h1') axarr[1][0].set_ylabel('h2') axarr[2][0].set_ylabel('ver') axarr[2][0].set_xlabel('Time (s)') axarr[2][1].set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') f_name_save = "f_velocity_plot_" +\"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%f" + ".pdf") details = [f_name_save, list_inc, list_process, list_filters, temp_record.station.inc_st_name] message = list2message(details) if with_details: footnote_font = FontProperties() footnote_font.set_size(6) max_height = 100 axarr[3][0].text(1,0.8 * max_height,message, va = 'top', fontproperties = footnote_font, wrap=True) axarr[3][0].set_xlim([0,50]) axarr[3][0].set_ylim([0,max_height]) axarr[3][0].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) axarr[3][0].get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) for i in range(3): axarr[i][0].set_xlim(x_lim_t) axarr[i][1].set_xlim(x_lim_f) axarr[0][0].legend() axarr[0][0].set_title( f'Station at incident {list_inc[0]}:' f'{station_name} - epicenteral dist:' f'{epicentral_dist} km' ) fig.tight_layout() return fig, message, f_name_save
[docs]def plot_acceleration_helper(record, color_code, opt_params, list_inc, list_process, list_filters): """ Plots acceleration timeseries and corresponding response spectra amplitude for 3 components. It is an internal function for plot_acceleration_records methods in the Project class. should not be directly used by the end users. """ if all(value is None for value in record): LOGGER.debug('record does not have any data.') return None with_details = False if query_opt_params(opt_params, 'save_figure'): nrs = 7 fig, axarr = plt.subplots(nrows=nrs, ncols=3, figsize=(14, 9)) counter = 2 rspan = 2 with_details = True else: nrs = 3 fig, axarr = plt.subplots(nrows=nrs, ncols=3, figsize=(14, 9)) counter = 1 rspan = 1 # h1, h2, UD for i in range(3): axarr[i][0] = plt.subplot2grid((nrs,3),(i*counter,0), rowspan=rspan, colspan=2) axarr[i][1] = plt.subplot2grid((nrs,3),(i*counter,2), rowspan=rspan, colspan=1) axarr[i][0].grid(True) if with_details: axarr[3][0] = plt.subplot2grid((7,3),(6,0),rowspan=1, colspan=3) x_lim_rsp = check_opt_param_minmax(opt_params, 'zoom_in_rsp') x_lim_t = check_opt_param_minmax(opt_params, 'zoom_in_time') station_name = None epicentral_dist = None for i,item in enumerate(record): if not item: continue axarr[0][0].plot(item.time_vec,item.acc_h1.value, color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) axarr[0][1].plot(item.acc_h1.response_spectra[0], item.acc_h1.response_spectra[1], color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) axarr[1][0].plot(item.time_vec,item.acc_h2.value, color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) axarr[1][1].plot(item.acc_h2.response_spectra[0], item.acc_h2.response_spectra[1], color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) axarr[2][0].plot(item.time_vec,item.acc_ver.value, color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) axarr[2][1].plot(item.acc_ver.response_spectra[0], item.acc_ver.response_spectra[1], color_code[i], label=list_inc[i]) # station name if not station_name: station_name = item.station.inc_st_name[list_inc[i]] temp_record = item # epicentral distance if not epicentral_dist: epicentral_dist = f"{item.epicentral_distance: 0.2f}" axarr[0][0].set_ylabel('h1') axarr[1][0].set_ylabel('h2') axarr[2][0].set_ylabel('ver') axarr[2][0].set_xlabel('Time (s)') axarr[2][1].set_xlabel('Period (s)') axarr[0][1].set_title('Response Spectra') f_name_save = "f_acceleration_plot_" +\"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%f" + ".pdf") details = [f_name_save, list_inc, list_process, list_filters, temp_record.station.inc_st_name] message = list2message(details) if with_details: footnote_font = FontProperties() footnote_font.set_size(6) max_height = 100 axarr[3][0].text(1,0.8 * max_height,message, va = 'top', fontproperties = footnote_font, wrap=True) axarr[3][0].set_xlim([0,50]) axarr[3][0].set_ylim([0,max_height]) axarr[3][0].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) axarr[3][0].get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) for i in range(3): axarr[i][0].set_xlim(x_lim_t) axarr[i][1].set_xlim(x_lim_rsp) axarr[0][0].legend() axarr[0][0].set_title( f'Station at incident {list_inc[0]}:' f'{station_name} - epicenteral dist:' f'{epicentral_dist} km' ) fig.tight_layout() return fig, message, f_name_save
[docs]def plot_recordsection_helper(records, color_code, opt_params,list_inc,list_process,list_filters): """ Plots seismic record section. It is an internal function for plot_record_section methods in the Project class. should not be directly used by the end users. """ # Check number of input incidents if len(records[0]) > len(color_code): LOGGER.error(f"Number of timeseries are more than dedicated" "colors.") return with_details = False if query_opt_params(opt_params, 'save_figure'): nrs = 7 fig, axarr = plt.subplots(nrows=nrs, ncols=1, figsize=(14, 9)) rspan = 6 with_details = True axarr[0] = plt.subplot2grid((nrs,1),(0,0),rowspan=rspan, colspan=1) else: nrs = 1 fig, axarr = plt.subplots(nrows=nrs, ncols=1, figsize=(14, 9)) rspan = 1 axarr = plt.subplot2grid((nrs,1),(0,0),rowspan=rspan, colspan=1) if with_details: axarr[1] = plt.subplot2grid((nrs,1),(6,0),rowspan=1, colspan=1) x_lim_t = check_opt_param_minmax(opt_params, 'zoom_in_time') comp = opt_params.get('comp',None) if not comp or (comp not in ["h1","h2","ver"]): if comp: LOGGER.warning(f"The component: {comp} is not supported. " "h1 is used.") comp = "h1" for k,record in enumerate(records): for i,item in enumerate(record): if not item: continue if comp == "h1": tmp_data = (0.8*item.vel_h1.value/item.vel_h1.peak_vv)+\ item.epicentral_distance elif comp == "h2": tmp_data = (0.8*item.vel_h2.value/item.vel_h2.peak_vv)+\ item.epicentral_distance elif comp == "ver": tmp_data = (0.8*item.vel_ver.value/item.vel_ver.peak_vv)+\ item.epicentral_distance else: LOGGER.error("Should never get here. Double check.") if k == 0: legend_label=list_inc[i] else: legend_label=None if with_details: axarr[0].plot(item.time_vec, tmp_data, color_code[i], label=legend_label, linewidth=0.2) else: axarr.plot(item.time_vec, tmp_data, color_code[i], label=legend_label, linewidth=0.2) if with_details: axarr[0].set_xlabel('Time (s)') axarr[0].set_ylabel('Epicentral Distance (km)') axarr[0].set_xlim(x_lim_t) axarr[0].legend() axarr[0].set_title( f"Normalized Seismic Record Section -" f"Number of stations/incident: {k+1}" f"- Component: {comp}" ) else: axarr.set_xlabel('Time (s)') axarr.set_ylabel('Epicentral Distance (km)') axarr.set_xlim(x_lim_t) axarr.legend() axarr.set_title( f"Normalized Seismic Record Section -" f"Number of stations/incident: {k+1}" f"- Component: {comp}" ) f_name_save = "f_recordsection_plot_" +\"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%f" + ".pdf") details = [f_name_save, list_inc, list_process, list_filters,{}] message = list2message(details) if with_details: footnote_font = FontProperties() footnote_font.set_size(6) max_height = 100 axarr[1].text(1,0.8 * max_height,message, va = 'top', fontproperties = footnote_font, wrap=True) axarr[1].set_xlim([0,50]) axarr[1].set_ylim([0,max_height]) axarr[1].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) axarr[1].get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) fig.tight_layout() return fig, message, f_name_save
[docs]def plot_scatter_on_basemap(llcrnrlatlon, urcrnrlatlon, data): """ Plots scatter datapoints provided by data on the basemap plot. """ land_f = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('physical', 'land', '50m', edgecolor='k', facecolor=cfeature.COLORS['land']) ocean_f = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('physical', 'ocean', '50m', edgecolor='k', facecolor=cfeature.COLORS['water']) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=ccrs.Mercator()) ax.set_extent([llcrnrlatlon[1], urcrnrlatlon[1], llcrnrlatlon[0], urcrnrlatlon[0]]) ax.add_feature(land_f) ax.add_feature(ocean_f) # TODO: marker size should be dependent on the size of map # (a fraction of max distannce between corner points.) # also parallels and meridians should be provided by the user # or dependent on the figure size. ax.plot(data[0][1:],data[1][1:],'k+', label='station', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.plot(data[0][0],data[1][0],'r*', label='source', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True) ax.legend() return fig
[docs]def plot_records_orientation_helper(st_item): """ """ continue_processing = False for item in st_item: if item[0]: continue_processing = True break if not continue_processing: return None n_inicident = len(st_item) title_is_set = False title1 = None fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12,8)) for i,inc_item in enumerate(st_item): if (inc_item[0] is not None) and (not title_is_set): title1 = f"Location: {inc_item[0]}, {inc_item[1]}, {inc_item[2]}" title_is_set = True axs.set_title(title1, fontsize=10) if (inc_item[0]) is not None: l1 = inc_item[3] + " - " + inc_item[4] or_h1 = round(inc_item[6],4) or_h2 = round(inc_item[7],4) u1 = math.sin(or_h1*(math.pi/180)) v1 = math.cos(or_h1*(math.pi/180)) u2 = math.sin(or_h2*(math.pi/180)) v2 = math.cos(or_h2*(math.pi/180)) axs.quiver(0,i*-20,u1,v1, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=0.1, color=color_code[i], width = 0.004, label=l1) axs.quiver(0,i*-20,u2,v2, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=0.1, color=color_code[i], width = 0.004) axs.text(25,i*-20,f"{str(or_h1)}, {str(or_h2)}, {inc_item[8]}") axs.text(25,(i*-20)-6,f"List of processes: {inc_item[5]}") axs.set_xlim([-20,200]) axs.set_ylim([-20*(1+n_inicident),20]) axs.set_aspect('equal', 'box') axs.legend() axs.set_xticks([]) axs.set_yticks([]) return fig
[docs]def plot_peak_velocity_vs_distance_helper(st_records, list_inc): """ Plots scatter data points for comparing peak ground velocity vs distance. Inputs: | st_records: nested list, each nested list contains one station's location. First elemenet is distance, second, third, fourth elements are peak ground velocity of h1, h2, and ver. There is one list for each incident provided in list_inc. | list_inc: list of incidents. Outputs: | fig: matplotlib figure handle. """ if not st_records: LOGGER.warning('Records are not provided.') return fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(12,8)) h_comp_1 = [] h_comp_2 = [] h_comp_ver = [] for item in st_records: hc1 = [] hc2 = [] hcv = [] if item[0]: for i,val in enumerate(item): if i == 0: hc1.append(val) hc2.append(val) hcv.append(val) continue hc1.append(val[0]) hc2.append(val[1]) hcv.append(val[2]) h_comp_1.append(hc1) h_comp_2.append(hc2) h_comp_ver.append(hcv) dist = [item[0] for item in h_comp_1 if item] for i, inc in enumerate(list_inc): tmp_pv = [item[i+1] for item in h_comp_1 if item] axs[0].scatter(dist,tmp_pv,s=10, c=color_code[i], label = list_inc[i]) for i, inc in enumerate(list_inc): tmp_pv = [item[i+1] for item in h_comp_2 if item] axs[1].scatter(dist,tmp_pv,s=10, c=color_code[i], label = list_inc[i]) for i, inc in enumerate(list_inc): tmp_pv = [item[i+1] for item in h_comp_ver if item] axs[2].scatter(dist,tmp_pv,s=10, c=color_code[i], label = list_inc[i]) for ax in axs: ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.grid(True) axs[0].legend() axs[0].set_ylabel('h_comp_1') axs[1].set_ylabel('h_comp_2') axs[2].set_ylabel('ver_comp') axs[0].set_title("Peak Ground Velocity vs Epicentral Distance") axs[2].set_xlabel('Epicentral Distance (km)') return fig